In this tutorial, let us learn about sparklines in Excel.

Sparklines are types of graphs that show trends and variation of data. Sparklines are awesome and quick to create. This even saves space and can be used for rough estimations.
Let us understand in detail with an example.

Here, I am considering some historical data, where I would like to present the visualization of trends using the Sparkline feature in Excel.
Step 1: Select the entire data range.

Step 2: Go to Insert tab from the menu bar.

Step 3: Go to Sparklines section, where you have 3 options to select. choose anyone and you can customize later as well.
Step 4: I am selecting the Line type, a dialog box will pop up.
Step 5: It will ask for Location, I am giving the range as F5:F13. and click OK.

You will observe that the sparklines are generated.

Whenever you change the data in the table, you will notice that the sparklines are also updating automatically.
Similarly, I generate other types of sparklines i.e., column and win-loss types

When you click on sparklines, a design tab appears in the menu bar, which holds many options to customize the sparklines including change in colors, styles, marker options, axis options and more.

Remember friends that Sparklines are pretty thing to save space. These sparklines can be used for rough estimation at a single glance.

So friends, this is all about sparklines in excel.
Watch this video tutorial for better understanding:
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