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2.9 : Primavera Learning - Activity Codes

Writer's picture: DpDp

You can define set of Activity codes to categorize the activities in your projects. You can then use them to group, sort and filter activities according to the activity codes and values you assign.

In this tutorial, let us learn how to use global codes to organize project activities across an enterprise project structure (EPS) according to specific categories, such as discipline, product and division. Also, let us learn how to establish project activity codes to filter and organize activities based on unique, project-specific requirements.

Creating Activity Codes

To create global activity codes: Go to Menu Bar, Choose Enterprise and click on Activity Codes.

Choose Global.

Then click Modify. Click Add, then type the name of the global activity code. Specify the maximum number of characters for the activity code’s values.

To create global activity code values: Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. Choose Global. Select the activity code for which you want to create a value.

Then click Add. Type the value’s name and description.

To Create EPS-level activity codes: Choose EPS, then click Modify.

Click Add to select the EPS to which you want to apply the activity code. Next, type the name of the EPS activity code.

Specify the maximum number of characters for the activity code’s values. To create EPS-level activity code values: Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. Choose EPS. Select the activity code for which you want to create a value.

Then click Add. Type the value’s name and description. The value cannot exceed the maximum character length specified for the activity code.

To create project-level activity codes: Firstly Open the project for which you want to create activity codes, then choose Enterprise, select Activity Codes.

Choose Project, then click Modify.

Click Add, then type the name of the project activity code. Specify the maximum length of characters for the activity code’s values.

To create project-level activity code values: Go to Menu Bar, Choose Enterprise, Select Activity Codes. Choose Project. Select the activity code for which you want to create a value.

Then click Add. Type the value’s name and description. Remember that the value cannot exceed the maximum character length specified for the activity code.

How to convert EPS-level activity codes and values?You can convert an EPS-level activity code and its values to a global activity code along with global values. To do this, go to Menu bar, Choose Enterprise, select Activity Codes. Choose EPS, then click Modify. Select the code you want to convert, then click Make Global. Click Yes to convert the code and its values.

How to convert project-level activity codes and values?You can also convert a project activity code and its values to a global activity code along with global values. Go to Menu Bar, Choose Enterprise, and select Activity Codes. Choose Project, then click Modify. Select the code you want to convert, then click Make Global. Click Yes to convert the code and its values.

Grouping and Summarizing by Activity Codes

Use activity codes (global, EPS, and project) to group activities and projects in Activity Table, Gantt Chart, and Activity Network layouts. Grouping helps you to focus on specific activities. To Group by activity codeIn the Activities window, click the Layout Options bar, choose Group and Sort. Under Group By, select the project, EPS, or global activity code by which you want to group.

Summarizing groups

To display summary bars in the Gantt Chart, click the Layout Options bar, choose Bars to display the Bars dialog box.

Tick the checkbox in this dialog box to display the summary bars as shown here.

Here is the detailed video tutorial for your better understanding:

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